Change Humanity Motivation Startup

Getting old

Here goes an excuse. Not only writing daily caught up with me but it even overtook me. I’m still aiming for 365 blog posts but well… one day will have to be busy with a couple of them instead. But back to the excuse. Yesterday I missed a blog post and that was purely because […]

Change Humanity

Politics – how to do nothing

Today New Zealand’s Prime Minister has announced a date of parliament’s elections 2020. We’re all excited. Yey… We are all going to go and vote between bad, worse and nothing. No matter what country you’re in, no matter of where you are – politics sucks. Here’s why. To be a politician your entire life’s mission […]

Change Open Source

Open Source of real life

I love Open Source. As a developer, you write a lot of stuff over and over again every day. To solve that problem many years ago some developers shared their code with everyone else and created an Open Source community. I mean how many times do you have to write “create a user” functionality. Now […]

Change Education Humanity

Free social startup idea number 3

I’m sure that by now you’ve noticed my 2020 interests: startups, education and people. The good thing about social startups is that they are valuable for society no matter who runs them and who is the original creator. So here I am sharing another idea for a social startup. If you have some opportunity to […]

Change Humanity

Why I volunteer

Every now and then we have to brag. Today is that day for me. Today I’m going to tell you why I volunteer and why should you. Based on my own experience you’ll find out that volunteering is not always what you thought it was. Let’s start years ago. Back in secondary school, I was […]

Change Happiness Humanity

A story of our upbringing and its effect on our lives

I’m going to make a lot of enemies with this blog post. But I’m not ashamed of my life story. I come from Poland. I was born in a communist country so knowing that I’m mid-thirties you can figure out that we’re relatively new to the democracy. What we’re also really new to is change. […]

Change Education

Roads won’t fix our traffic problem – drivers will

Have you ever been frustrated by the number of cars on the road? Have you arrived at work in the morning already in a bad mood because of some stupid driver on the way? Well, you’re not the only one, you’re one of millions of drivers worldwide that are struggling with traffic, frustration and stress […]

Change Goals Motivation

Reflection on progress

When you’re investing time and energy in a startup you want to learn a lot from people who were successful and also from people who failed. So I watch quite a lot of startup talks and listen to podcasts. I recently watched a video where one of the founders said that the progress has to […]

Change Motivation

Welcome to New Year… so new

Now that we’re all settled into a new decade, let’s think a little bit about the future and the past. It’s a new year, new resolutions, new plans but also new… same. Why in so many cases we, humans, can make so much effort, in some cases we just ignore everything around us. This reflection […]