A little bit of continuation of my last post – addiction to work. Today I’m learning a new programming JavaScrip library. It might not mean anything to you but let’s put it this way. Each programming language in IT is like a natural language. If you know French, you might understand a few words in […]
Category: Startup
Getting old
Here goes an excuse. Not only writing daily caught up with me but it even overtook me. I’m still aiming for 365 blog posts but well… one day will have to be busy with a couple of them instead. But back to the excuse. Yesterday I missed a blog post and that was purely because […]
So I’m building a new startup. Something exciting, something new. But most importantly I keep learning. I think that’s the most exciting part. Being static technologically for a long time kind of made my programming skills quite rusted. I’m not complaining, oh no, I gained heaps of new skills, sales, people management, accounting and relationships […]
The art of working by yourself

So I’m building a startup on a side and I convinced my friend Tarei to join me. It’s going to be a great journey I can tell and whether we’re going to win or lose the journey is what matters. The thing is that this startup idea before it became “our” startup idea it was […]

I personally blame the educational system for a complete lack of education in business space. We learn maths, languages, biology, physics and many other subjects for many years of our life. However, (correct me if I’m wrong) I haven’t seen any school up to University that would teach kids the basics of business. And I’m […]

You see my mindset for the last few months is all about startups and how to create one. I do have one coming up so until that one is cooked I have to park my other hundreds of ideas on a side. But I am really happy to give away quite a few because nothing […]

A side note. I had this great idea of having a real photo of me or something I did every day but I do not even have that many photos of myself. So what do I do? I’ll start inserting cute cats probably…Aaaanyway, here’s today’s thought of the day. I’m giving away the idea I […]