Let me get straight to the point. I haven’t blogged for about 5 years. Also, I never blogged in English. So there. My first attempt to blog. Like real blog. It will be about literally nothing and everything, no main thread or subject. It will be just me complaining about stuff I usually complain about and praising stuff that I usually don’t praise enough. Just another mumble of another human being.
A little bit of background. I’m Ralf. Hi. You know that by now if you read a title but who reads these days anyway. I run a small business, and on a side note, I am building a startup – but more about it below. If you came here from my previous blog – hi! I wrote a blog in Polish about New Zealand. Oh yeah, I am Polish living in New Zealand. Something I like calling kiwish – since I’m officially a New Zealander and Polish… you figure it out. I do a lot of other stuff but who cares, you didn’t come here to read my CV and if you did… well, tough luck cause there isn’t one here.
So why bother, why another useless blog that no one will ever read. Well here’s some more and boring background story about me. I run a business of 5-7 people by now (depending on how you count contractors). The business is doing great but like many people I am burned out. And by that I don’t mean working, I mean coming to work and doing 365 things at the same time and really having no progress. This comes from a very simple reason. I do have quite a big project managing background including Prince2 certification and Scrum Master. I know pretty well how to manage other people and how to get the job done. What I don’t know often is how to project manage myself. As a business owner of a growing company, willing to sacrifice even more family time for building a startup I do have shizzloads of stuff to do. I do not, however, have this stuff in order. A typical day is coming to work, having 5-7 tasks on my desk, getting suddenly 20 phone calls and emails and leaving work with 5-7 tasks undone. Now, of course, there are so many methods to avoid that but for me, I guess the biggest challenge is that of burnout and motivation of getting shit done. For anyone else you’d say “take a few days off and recharge the batteries” but as a business owner, it’s not as simple. Even if you take a day off you really just do remote work.
So here I am. One of the tough elements of anyone’s motivation is publicly exposing yourself with the goals of their life. And I have several goals for 2020 including losing weight (such a cliché!), finishing my MVP of a startup so I can get a first customer, reading more books and … oh yeah writing 365 blog posts. Yup, I am officially announcing my task list which starts with waking up every single day and by the end of that day having one blog post written. That is why don’t expect anything consistent. One day it can be me mumbling about the end of the world, on another day some brilliant technical solution that I stumbled upon or just my “super interesting” life story. What I want though is for this blog to be enjoyable to any reader (I mean if you haven’t fallen asleep by now I’m halfway through) and most importantly motivational for me.
Let’s start then. 1st of January 2020 my 1st blog post. 364 left and some other stuff about nothing. Oh, and by the way – Happy New Year!